Monday, September 1, 2008

Lolcats: I'm not above them.

more animals

Tow Truck

Tow Truck, originally uploaded by ouvyt.

See, not nearly enough businesses think of puns--let alone use them. All other things (response time, cost, ability not to trash my car) equal, I'd totally go for these guys.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

New York City, March 2008

IMG_0037.JPG, originally uploaded by billfredindustriesdotcom.

Shot at Katz Delicatessen, which is friggin' expensive but friggin' good as well. My girlfriend and I went there for part of spring break, not really planning to be in a state whose governor was due to resign any day. But hey, if it means we get puns for headlines...


IMG_3024.JPG, originally uploaded by billfredindustriesdotcom.

Seen at Café DiCocoa, Bethel, ME.

Seen on I-26

Seen on I-26, originally uploaded by billfredindustriesdotcom.

On the trailer: "We're nacho average grocery store!"

Spotted at Chick-Fil-A

At least they're making the puns away from the stadium. (At the stadium, too many people are drunk to comprehend them.)

Also, first post.